In the latest Tier 1 Interventions Podcast episode, hosts Cheri and Jonily tackle one of the most challenging aspects of education: teaching mathematics to students with learning disabilities. This episode, recorded during an evening workshop, provides a deep dive into innovative strategies that combine neuroscience and mathematics to create accessible and effective learning experiences for students who struggle with traditional math instruction.

Exploring the Quick Dot Method

At the heart of this episode is the Quick Dot Reference Task, a powerful visual tool designed to help students with learning disabilities make connections in mathematics. By focusing on visual perception and pattern recognition, Quick Dots enable students to grasp complex mathematical concepts that might otherwise be out of reach. Jonily and Cheri explain how this method is not just about simplifying math but making it both accessible and complex, challenging students at all levels to engage with the material.

Purple X for Students with Leanring Disabilities

Real-World Success Stories for Students with Learning Disabilities

The episode is packed with real-world success stories that illustrate the effectiveness of these methods. From students in a Title I school who dramatically improved their math scores in just one year to a cohort of students who broke the bell curve on standardized tests, the data shared by Jonily demonstrates the transformative impact of combining neuroscience and innovative math instruction.

Student with LEarning Disabilites - a copy of his work

Why Visual Learning Matters

The episode’s key takeaway is the importance of visual learning in mathematics, especially for students with learning disabilities. As Cheri and Jonily discuss, students with disabilities often excel in visual tasks, which can level the playing field and even give them an advantage over their peers in certain aspects of math. This shift in teaching approach improves math proficiency and boosts students’ confidence and engagement.


Whether you’re a teacher, administrator, or parent, this Tier 1 Interventions Podcast episode is a must-listen. The insights shared by Cheri and Jonily offer a new perspective on how we can support students with learning disabilities in their mathematical journey. By embracing visual learning and innovative strategies like the Quick Dot method, we can unlock the potential of every student, making math a subject they can truly excel in.

Don’t forget to check out the Purple X Mini-Course, available through Disability Labs, to learn more about these groundbreaking strategies and how to implement them in your classroom.